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Sometimes you may want to use a string to identify a specific function or class. This is a common way of designing your code, but it can be tricky to do it without repeating yourself. Registerer is a tool that helps you to do this easily, and also makes sure that your code is explicit and type safe.


Write this:

import registerer

command_handler_registry = registerer.Registerer()

def info(args):
    return "how can i help you?"

def play(args):
    return "let me play a song for you"

command = "info"
args = {}
assert command_handler_registry[command](args) == "how can i help you?"

Instead of this, which violates the Open-Closed Principle (OCP):

def info(args):
    return "how can i help you?"

def play(args):
    return "let me play a song for you"

def command_handler(command, args):
    if command == "info":
        return info(args)
    if command == "play":
        return play(args)

command = "play"
args = {}
assert command_handler(command, args) == "let me play a song for you"


You can install the latest version of registerer from PyPI:

pip install registerer


  • It's completely type-safe, thus you will get suggestions from your IDE.
  • Writing custom validations for registered items is provided without any inheritance.
  • generate choices for Django from registered items.
  • And so on...